
Statutory Functions

The Director of Public Prosecutions Act 1983 (DPP Act) empowers the Director to exercise a range of statutory obligations and powers including to: 

  • discontinue a prosecution 
  • take over a prosecution instigated by another person 
  • grant an indemnity
  • ex-officio indictments
  • consent to conspiracy proceedings

CDPP statutory function statistics for 2023-2024

CDPP statutory function statistics for 2022-2023

Performance Indicators

Each year the CDPP report against the following performance indicators:

  • Prosecutions resulting in a conviction
  • Defendants in defended summary hearings resulting in conviction
  • Defendants in defended committals resulting in a committal order
  • Defendants tried on indictment and convicted
  • Prosecution sentence appeals in summary prosecutions upheld, and
  • Prosecution sentence appeals in a prosecution on indictment upheld.

CDPP performance indicators for 2023-2024

CDPP performance indicators for 2022-2023

Prosecution Statistics

We also report the following statistics:

  • Outcomes of successful prosecutions
  • Summary Prosecutions
  • Committals
  • Prosecutions on indictment
  • Prosecution appeals against sentence
  • Defence appeals

CDPP prosecution statistics for 2023-2024

CDPP prosecution statistics for 2022-2023